I have a small admission to make … I have always been accused of being a bit of a “Pollyanna” and I must admit that I have a strong proclivity to look for the good in people even when at times it’s been glaringly apparent that they were on the side of the ‘beasts’ and not the angels. What a refreshing surprise today to actually meet a ‘genuinely good person’ who does his best to serve the highest good in others. This encounter left me feeling like someone had just pumped compressed fresh air into an exceedingly dry room.
This life offers an elixir of the good and the bad things– the epiphanies, the really horrible stuff, the unexpected revelations and sometimes those real ‘stinkers’ we cross paths with. Ah, but the delicate balance always lies in the ability to hold the good and the bad in tension and be able to see things as they really are. Reality then becomes our ‘good drug’ of choice.
Today’s meeting was intended to expand our mutual professional network but it actually turned out to be so much more than that. This guy actually wanted to help people and serve them with a deep sense of commitment, honour, and integrity just because it was the right thing to do. His authentic spirit of generosity was unmistakable …in fact, undeniable. Imagine that in this era of everyone being tuned into WII.FM or rather ‘What’s in it for me’ this guy realized that he was put here to serve others? How utterly refreshing and who wouldn’t want to meet a truly humble person with no hidden agendas? He unwittingly allowed this ol’ Pollyanna to see a real life “do-gooder” up close and personal and it provided me with a fresh hope in our humanity. It felt so darn good to be graced with guy’s presence. This encounter drove an ordinary day into the extraordinary and I actually felt like I had just stumbled upon one of my tribe’s people … and what a welcome surprise that was.
What I’ve learned is that if we really pay attention ‘they’ are out there … those good souls poised to serve others in the most remarkable of ways. Instead of trying to find Waldo or trying to decide what’s in it for you I challenge you today to look out for them … those good authentic souls because they are out there.
Best of the day to you!
PS. Since my original post many of you wanted to know the identity of the guy ... so this is his website: taxevity.com
PS. Since my original post many of you wanted to know the identity of the guy ... so this is his website: taxevity.com