Monday, October 31, 2011

When "Good Enough" isn't Good Enough

Recently I was visiting a very sick friend (who has since passed away)at a local hospital when I noticed the most attractive elderly woman at the bus stop on my way home. She looked very distinguished,her hair was well coiffed, her makeup applied flawlessly, and she was dressed impeccably. I felt utterly compelled to pay her a compliment and did so by telling her how abosolutely gorgeous she looked. She accepted my compliment graciously and said that she had noticed my attire and thought I looked great. I thanked her. She then explained that her late husband well taken care of by the doctors and nurses of the hospital during his illness and that she volunteered there three times a week as a way of giving back. She proceeded to tell me why she felt compelled to look her best. She said "I have a friend and everytime we get together she just throws something on, her hair half done, and no make up, not even a little lipstick, and quite honestly she looks like a slob. When I ask her why she does not make the effort to pull herself together she tells me "this is good enough"." She continues to tell me that "Good enough" is not good enough and will never befor her. She explained that at least 50 people see her on her way to the hospital and another 50 people see her on her way home. She said "That's approximately 100 people thre times a week that I'm making a first impression upon and I don't want their impression to be of a slob". "I see looking my best as the gift of beauty to everyone I encounter. I look my best for me and so that I can give that gift of beauty to others ". what a novel concept as I never thought about it that way before but this woman was providing me with a new angle on putting my best foot forward. Now everytime I get ready to go somewhere her words are a gentle reminder of the secret gift that we have to give .. presenting our best selves to the world. So is "Good enough" good enough for you?